Statement of Activities
Fiscal Year: July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020
Revenue for FY 19-20
- Foundation Grants: $4,012,845
- Government Grants: $1,067,477
- Individual and Corporate Giving: $462,894
- Special Events - net of expenses of $47,646: $102,850
- Other Income (program fees, dividend and interest income, misc. income and gains): $368,073
Subtotal Revenue: $6,014,139
In-Kind Services: $13,781,804
Total Revenue with In-Kind Services: $19,795,943
Note: Restricted foundation revenue that was released in FY 20-21 is excluded from FY 19-20 revenue.
Expenses for FY 19-20
- Program Services: $4,601,034
- General + Administration: $619,689
- Fundraising: $354,037
Subtotal Expenses: $5,574,760
In-Kind Services: $13,781,804
Total Expenses with In-Kind Services: $19,356,564
Statement of Activities
Fiscal Year: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
Revenue for FY 20-21
- Foundation Grants: $10,226,588
- Government Grants: $1,481,192
- Individual and Corporate Giving: $3,340,608
- Special Events - net of expenses of $42,220: $178,728
- Other Income (program fees, dividend and interest income, misc. income, and gains): $318,392
Subtotal Revenue: $15,545,508
In-Kind Services: $6,518,216
Total Revenue with In-Kind Services: $22,063,724
Note: Restricted foundation revenue will be released in FY 21-22 is excluded from FY 20-21 revenue.
Expenses for FY 20-21
- Program Services: $9,321,380
- General + Administration: $1,008,957
- Fundraising: $553,944
Subtotal Expenses: $10,884,281
In-Kind Services: $6,518,216
Total Expenses with In-Kind Services: $17,402,497