New: See our local & state ballot positions for the 2024 elections.

As the 2020 Census results affirmed, Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial group in California and throughout the U.S. No other major demographic group increased its turnout from one election to the next as much as we did from 2016 to 2020. And in our home state, people of Asian descent make up nearly 18% of the population.

There’s no denying that we’re growing our power at the ballot box and in Sacramento–and using that strength to win progress on community safety, economic security, racial justice, and the issues that matter most to low-income families and immigrants. In a year marked by a national reckoning with systems of white supremacy and an increase in anti-Black and anti-Asian hate and violence, our policy agenda centers multiracial solidarity. Asian American communities will live well and in safety only when Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Pacific Islander communities do so too.

  • ALC staff members and reporters sit around a table with microphones. The group is recording a podcast interview about ALC's policy priorities.
  • Dozens of San Francisco residents and advocates gather together behind a sign that says "Census 2020"

API Equity Budget

Advancing Justice - California, the partnership between Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus and Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, worked closely with community partners and legislators to pass the API Equity Budget and secure new resources for Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. New funding will help meet survivors’ and victims’ immediate needs and build the community infrastructure critical to long-term safety.

California’s historic $166.5 million investment includes $110 million for community-based organizations that provide survivor and victim services and violence prevention programming. It also includes funding for restorative justice programs in K-12 schools and improved data equity and accuracy to better understand communities’ full needs. We continue to advise state agencies and policymakers to implement these new programs effectively and with a demonstrated commitment to language access and cultural competency.

Economic Development Department Language Access

In partnership with language access advocates across the state, we advocated for unprecedented funding to improve language access at California’s Economic Development Department. Throughout the pandemic, EDD services such as unemployment insurance and paid sick leave have been essential for Californians struggling to make ends meet and take care of themselves and their loved ones. These improvements set the stage for more California agencies to better serve immigrant communities and residents with limited English proficiency.

Health For All

For years, a large and growing coalition of health and immigrant advocates has lead the charge to make Medi-Cal available statewide to all low-income undocumented adults. As a result of this tireless advocacy, the coalition achieved a major milestone in the 2021 legislative session. Now, all undocumented Californians age 50 and older are able to get healthcare through Medi-Cal.

AB 937: VISION Act

In the 2021 legislative session, California came as close as we’ve ever been to dismantling the prison-to-ICE detention and deportation pipeline. With the backing of 26 legislative co-authors, hundreds of organizations, and a majority of California voters, the VISION Act (AB 937) continued into the 2022 legislative session as a 2-year bill, stronger than ever. Thanks to the leadership of directly impacted immigrant Californians, their families, and the ICE Out of CA coalition, this advocacy work around the VISION Act continues to build a transformative path to end one of our state’s most devastating injustices. Check out our digital zine that captures highlights from 2021 advocacy for AB 937 and the community-led movement to end ICE transfers.

Community members in a car hold out "ICE out of CA" signs during a VISION car rally.