New: See our local & state ballot positions for the 2024 elections.

Our Work

Our communities face challenges today that are reminiscent of those that were the impetus for the creation of ALC 52 years ago such as increasing economic inequity, discrimination based on national origin or language ability, and the threat of deportation of community members who have lived in California for decades.

ALC has always, and continues to fight for our communities through our core strategy of community lawyering. We combine our legal work with focused advocacy, community education, and targeted impact litigation to create meaningful change. The grassroots work we did in 2023 to ensure our communities knew how to get support led to hundreds of direct service cases. Our individual clients and their stories led to impact litigation cases affecting thousands, shaped the statewide policies we advocated for, and informed the work we do with national partners.

As we look toward an uncertain future in 2024, we will lean on the strategies that have served our communities for over half a century.

Community Empowerment
We work directly with communities to empower them to drive systemic change. Our community advocates distribute Know Your Rights information, provide connections to resources, and support community leaders as they exercise their voices for change.

Direct Legal Services
We provide free direct legal representation to individuals in our communities who come to us through referrals or direct contact. Additionally, our free, open legal clinics serve hundreds of Bay Area residents with support in all six of our program areas.

Impact Litigation
Using deep understanding of the needs of our communities gained from our community empowerment and direct legal services work, our impact litigation moves the needle through systemic change.

Policy Advocacy
Through our policy work at the local, state, and national levels, we ensure that our communities’ voices are heard in the spaces where decisions about their lives are made.

We forge relationships with partner organizations to articulate a shared vision of social justice that together we can bring into existence.