New: See our local & state ballot positions for the 2024 elections.

Policy Advocacy

We advocate for policies to protect and empower immigrants and people of color in city halls, the California State Capitol, and Congress by drafting legislation, participating in and leading coalitions, and advocating with elected officials. In 2023, we advocated for four statewide bills, including one bill that was signed by the governor. We carry the work on pending bills into 2024 so we can ensure the civil rights of our communities.

Fair Maps Act

ALC has long fought unfair redistricting that seeks to serve incumbency and dilute the votes of low-income Asian, Pacific Islander, Arab, Middle Eastern, Black, Latino, and Indigenous communities. To support our efforts to ensure that residents have a say in districting, we co-sponsored AB 764, the Fair Maps Act, which was passed in 2023 and became law in 2024. The new provisions strengthen the district-drawing criteria to better protect communities of interest and increase transparency and public outreach.

California Voting Rights Act

To support community empowerment during the redistricting process in local communities, we are working on AB 453, California Voting Rights Act. If passed, jurisdictions converting from at-large to district elections would be required to begin the districting process at a set time during meetings in order for community members to know when they must be present to provide input.

Language Access

Following a report we compiled with our partners in the California Language Access Workgroup which underscored the importance of in-language materials for limited English proficient residents, we co-sponsored AB 884, a bill to improve the state’s language access laws. If passed, this bill would require election services in a greater variety of languages to ensure the rights of California voters regardless of their English proficiency.

California's Sanctuary Laws

To close the remaining loopholes and exceptions in California’s Sanctuary laws (CA Values Act SB 54, TRUST Act, and the TRUTH Act) and protect immigrants from deportation, ALC is a core organizational member of a coalition working together to bolster advocacy efforts around pro-immigrant legislation. This included our support for AB 1306: Harmonizing Our Measures for Equality (HOME) Act. The Act passed both the Senate and Assembly, illustrating the support that has been gained through narrative shift and grassroots community advocacy. Despite the disappointing veto by Governor Newsom, we will continue to fight for legislation that keeps families and communities together.

  • Deanna Kitamura, who leads ALC's voting rights program, testifies before a CA Assembly committee about AB 884 and the need for language services at the ballot box.

    Deanna Kitamura, who leads the Asian Law Caucus' voting rights program, testifies in support of AB 884 and language access for California voters.

  • Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo and community members and advocates from across the state hold a press conference to introduce the HOME Act (AB 1306)
  • A group of Bakersfield residents hold up the maps that would keep their communities together.