Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

California State Redistricting 2021-2022

September 1, 2021 Guides & Reports

Get involved

Learn how to advocate for your communities through California's redistricting process in 2021. The new district maps will decide who gets to vote together for the next 10 years.

What is Redistricting?

Redistricting is the process of redrawing the district lines that define which areas elected officials represent. As people move and communities change, it is necessary to update the district boundaries so that each elected official represents an equal number of people. In 2021 and 2022, decision-makers across California will draw new district maps for state and local representatives using updated information from the 2020 census.

We have an opportunity to build and protect political power for our communities. When our communities are kept together in a district or grouped with neighboring areas that have shared interests, we develop a stronger voice to influence elections and demand accountability from our representatives on the issues we care about.

Redistricting is one of the basic building blocks of our democratic system. You can have a voice in what the maps look like for state, county, city, school board, and other offices.

Shape Your Local Maps: How to Get Involved in Local Redistricting

Each city council, county board of supervisors, and school board in California that is elected from districts will redraw its district maps during 2021 and 2022. This is your chance to make sure your local districts are drawn so that your community can have a voice in local politics.

Cities and counties will hold multiple hearings to get public input on where communities live and who should be kept together, and to get feedback on draft maps. Check your county, city, and school board website to find out more about their redistricting process.

For more information about local redistricting check out our resources below:

Use Your Voice to Help Draw the Lines for State Offices in California!

In California, an independent citizen-led commission oversees the redistricting process for congressional, state assembly, state senate, and board of equalization seats. The California Citizens Redistricting Commission (CCRC) must hold public input hearings all over the state to learn about communities and get feedback on the draft maps that they create. That means there are many chances to participate in this important process! You can:

  • Tell the line-drawers about your community at public hearings before they start drawing the new maps
  • Use online tools to draw a visual representation of your community or what you think map lines could look like
  • Review the CCRC’s draft maps when they are released and give them feedback on whether you think they are fair or should be changed before being finalized

For more information about state redistricting check out our community education resources below:

The best way to learn more about redistricting and how best to advocate for your community is to work with a community-based organization in your area who is already focused on this topic. ALC is working with amazing partners all over the state to do just that – check out the list below to see if there’s an organization in your area to connect with!

Organizational Partners

Sacramento and Central Valley Partners

[email protected]

  • CAIR Sacramento Valley/Central California
  • Hmong Innovating Politics
  • Jakara Movement

Bay Area Partners

[email protected]

  • Asian Law Alliance
  • AAPIs for Civic Empowerment Education Fund
  • CAIR California
  • Jakara Movement

Orange County Partners

[email protected]

Orange County Civic Engagement Table

Los Angeles Partners

  • Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles
  • AAPI Equity Alliance

San Diego Partners

Asian Solidarity Collective

Map Proposals & Narratives

You can find the AAAPI & AMEMSA Redistricting Collaborative‘s Congressional map proposals in pdf form (SoCal, Bay Area) and as shapefiles (SoCal, Bay Area), along with narratives explaining the maps and our Collaborative priorities (SoCal, Bay Area). You can find the Collaborative’s Assembly map proposal in pdf form, along with a narrative explaining the maps and our Collaborative priorities.

Trainings and Workshops about Redistricting in California

Ready to learn more about redistricting in California? Check out our presentations:

Please email [email protected] if you would like editable copies of these presentations to adapt to your organization’s needs.

To learn more about local redistricting in California check our local redistricting page.