Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Community Education Resources: National Security & Civil Rights

January 5, 2023 Guides & Reports

Know Your Rights

Do you know your rights? We have resources from a number of different organizations available for you to better understand your rights related to immigration, travel, law enforcement, electronic privacy, and discrimination.


  • Know The Facts and Know Your Rights: For Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian Communities (produced by ALC, ACLU, CAIR): English, Arabic, Farsi
  • Stop Unfair Treatment of Chinese American Academics and Scientists (produced by ALC): English
  • A Survival Guide for Environmental and Animal Rights Activists (produced by NLG): English
  • Know Your Rights: Guide to Protesting and Community Safety (produced by ALC, CAIR-SFBA): English
  • Know Your Rights for Protesters (produced by NLG): English, Spanish, Arabic, Farsi

Immigration and Travel

  • What to Do at U.S. Embassy Interviews and If Your U.S. Passport is Revoked (produced by ACLU, ALC, AROC, CAIR, CCR, MLFA): English, Arabic
  • Flying While Muslim (produced by CLEAR): English, Arabic, Bangla, Urdu
  • Sikh Traveler's Bill of Rights (produced by the Sikh Coalition): English
  • Iranian Travel Advisory - Know Your Rights at the Airport and Border: English, Farsi
  • Know Your Rights: What to Do If You are Detained at a Port of Entry - For F & J Visa Holders (produced by American Immigration Lawyers Association, New England Chapter): English, Farsi
  • Community Advisory on Executive Order Banning Immigration, Effective June 22, 2020: English
  • Community Advisory on Muslim & African Bans: English, Arabic, Karen, Kyrgyz, Swahili, Tigrinya, Burmese
  • No Muslim Ban Ever Fact Sheet: English, Arabic

FBI Surveillance

Electronic Privacy

  • Protecting Data Pocket Guide (produced by EFF): English, Arabic
  • Digital Privacy at the U.S. Border (produced by EFF): English


  • Community Response Toolkit: When Hate Groups Come to Town (produced by Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law): English