Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Housing Resources for San Francisco Tenants (三藩市租户资源)

December 6, 2021 Guides & Reports

Frequently Asked Questions


Need Legal Assistance?

Our Housing Rights Program only provides legal assistance to San Francisco tenants. We prioritize cases involving eviction, reasonable accommodation, significant rent increase, landlord harassment, habitability issues, and change in terms of tenancy. We do not provide any services to landlords.

If you need legal assistance on a housing issue, please call 415-896-1701. If we miss your call, please leave a voice/text message (Your name, phone number, and briefly describe the issue), and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

Languages: English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hindi. Other languages may be available upon request.



仅限预约。 如果您在住房问题上需要法律援助,请致电415-896-1701。 如果我们错过您的来电,请留下语音/短信(包括您的姓名,电话号码,并简要说明问题),我们将尽快回复您。

语言:英语,广东话,普通话,印地语。 可根据需求提供其他语言。

Are you facing landlord harassment due to backed rent during COVID?

You may be protected and should ask your landlord to cease the harassment. See our Pro Se Letter- Harassment 1A & 1B- Landlord Harassment for Non-Payment.

您是否因在COVID期间拖欠租金而面临房东骚扰?您可能受到法律保护并应该向房东提出停止骚扰的要求。请参阅我们为您提供的信函范本- 因欠租而引起的房东骚扰

Are you being evicted?

If you have received a Summons & Complaint or have been served a notice containing allegations of nuisance, call the Eviction Defense Collaborative‘s legal assistance line as soon as possible at (415) 659-9184 or email [email protected]


如果您收到逼迁传票及诉状书,或收到包含妨害指控的通知,请尽快致电抗逼迁联盟的法律援助专线 (415) 659-9184 或发送邮件至 [email protected]

If you need financial assistance for the payment of rent, please call RADCo at (415) 470-5211 or email [email protected]

如果您需要经济援助来支付租金,请致电经济协助服务 (415) 470-5211 或发送邮件至[email protected]