Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Know Your Rights for Community Members Addressing Islamophobia and Attacks on Free Speech

October 31, 2023 Guides & Reports

In the face of the current horrors in Gaza, hundreds of thousands of people are bravely defying attacks on their civil rights and joining ever-growing protests for humanity, peace and justice. We cannot stand in silence. As you are taking action to call for an end to the violence, it is essential to know your rights.

Know Your Rights for Protestors

Across the Bay Area and California, community members are coming together to protest for peace and justice. If you are joining a protest, know your rights.

Know Your Rights for People Targeted by Federal Agencies/Law Enforcement

Community groups across the U.S. are reporting rising threats of violence against Muslim, Jewish, Palestinian, and Arab communities. ALC and other civil rights groups are getting more reports of FBI agents visiting Palestinian Americans, Muslim Americans, and Arab Americans at their homes, without any justification. If you are approached by a federal agent, there are steps you can take to protect your rights.

Know Your Rights for Students

We yearn for a world where all of us, especially our children, are free to be ourselves, to be with our loved ones, to live in our homes in safety. Find resources from Islamic Networks Group, CAIR, and Palestine Legal for students who may be targeted for protesting or for their faith.

Know Your Rights for Workers

In the last several weeks, people are experiencing intimidation and discrimination at work because of their support for Palestinians’ rights. Our partners at CAIR have issued important guidance to help employees know their rights and protect against discrimination and retaliation.