Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Recommendations for Nov. 2020 Ballot Measures

October 31, 2020 Guides & Reports

ALC is proud to share our endorsements for 2020 ballot measures that reflect fairness and equity for immigrant, low-income, and all vulnerable communities.


Prop 15 - Schools & Communities First
State or Local: State
Recommended Position: Support
If an Org Partner Asked ALC to Take a Position, Name the Org: N/A

Basis for Recommendation: Shift wealth and power from businesses to the state to support essential programs for local communities. Budget concerns have negatively affected the VR team's advocacy in the past, and we should get rid of tax protections that benefit land-owning businesses.

Any Concerns with Taking Position: N/A

Links for Additional Information: https://sanjosespotlight.com/what-you-should-know-about-prop-15/

Prop 16 - Repeal Prop 209 (Affirmative Action Ban)

Recommended Position: Support
If an Org Partner Asked ALC to Take a Position, Name the Org: Equal Justice Society and Chinese for Affirmative Action

Basis for Recommendation: Race conscious affirmative action programs have been a long-standing platform issue for ALC and the Advancing Justice affiliation.

Any Concerns with Taking Position: N/A

Links for Additional Information: https://voteyesonprop16.org/

Prop 17 - Restore Voting Rights for People on Parole

Recommended Position: Support
If an Org Partner Asked ALC to Take a Position, Name the Org: Legal Services for Prisoners with Children

Basis for Recommendation: Restores voting rights to people who are on parole who were previously convicted of felonies. We support this because it expands voting access to marginalized communities. Generally, we believe in expanding the franchise, and it is particularly appalling that people who are on parole are not allowed to vote. Being caught up in the criminal punishment system should not prevent someone from participating in our democracy.

Any Concerns with Taking Position: There were some difficult coalitional politics, but it shouldn't prevent us from supporting the measure.

Prop 18 - Voting for 17-year-olds

Recommended Position: Support
If an Org Partner Asked ALC to Take a Position, Name the Org: N/A

Basis for Recommendation: Allows 17-year-olds who will be 18 at the time of the next general election to vote in primaries and special elections. We think it makes sense that people who can vote in the general have a voice in the primary. We respect that young people have a lot at stake in our government and trust 17-year-olds to participate in the primary.

Any Concerns with Taking Position: N/A

Prop 20 – Seeks to Roll Back Recent Criminal Justice Reform

Recommended Position: Oppose
If an Org Partner Asked ALC to Take a Position, Name the Org: N/A

Basis for Recommendation: The ballot initiative was designed to make changes to AB 109 (2011), Proposition 47 (2014), and Proposition 57 (2016)—three measures that were each intended to reduce the state’s prison population. In 2014, Proposition 47 was passed to reduce the penalties for some theft and drug crimes. In 2016, Proposition 57 offered a chance of parole to some serving prison sentences for crimes that don’t fall on the state’s list of violent crimes. This ballot measure would place new limits on some of the sentence reductions included in Proposition 47 and Proposition 57. It would allow some theft-related crimes to be charged as felonies and it would create two new crimes: serial theft (applicable only to a select list of crimes and to defendants who have prior convictions for certain crimes) and organized retail theft (two or more people involved in some theft crimes within a 180-day period).

Any Concerns with Taking Position: N/A

Links for Additional Information: https://ballotpedia.org/California_Proposition_20,_Criminal_Sentencing,_Parole,_and_DNA_Collection_Initiative_(2020)

Prop 22 - App-Based Drivers as Contractors and Labor Policies Initiative

Recommended Position: Oppose
If an Org Partner Asked ALC to Take a Position, Name the Org: N/A

Basis for Recommendation: Undermines Dynamex and AB 5 and worker protections for app based drivers

Any Concerns with Taking Position: N/A


Proposition C (Removing Citizenship Requirements for Members of City Bodies)
Recommended Position: Support
If an Org Partner Asked ALC to Take a Position, Name the Org: N/A

Basis for Recommendation: Removes citizenship requirements for residents to serve on commissions and boards. Consistent with our history of advocating for the expansion of access to civic engagement for non-citizens.

Any Concerns with Taking Position: N/A

Proposition E (Police Staffing)

Recommended Position: Support
If an Org Partner Asked ALC to Take a Position, Name the Org:

Basis for Recommendation: Removes a barrier to reducing the size of SFPD by eliminating a mandatory minimum police staff requirement of 1,971 full duty sworn officers that’s in the city charter. Establishes a regular process to set police staffing level based on a report from the Police Chief to the Police Commission, with public input.

Any Concerns with Taking Position: N/A

Proposition I (Transfer Tax)

Recommended Position: Support
If an Org Partner Asked ALC to Take a Position, Name the Org: SF Anti-Displacement Coalition

Basis for Recommendation: "This proposition would increase taxes for selling large properties in SF:
-For properties valued at more than $10m but less than $25m, the tax rate will increase from 2.75% to 5.5%.
-For properties valued at more than $25m, the tax rate will increase from 3% to 6%.
There is a companion measure to allocate this money to other vital housing needs.

Any Concerns with Taking Position: N/A

Links for Additional Information: https://www.fairrecoverysf.com...

Prop K: Social Housing

Recommended Position: Support
If an Org Partner Asked ALC to Take a Position, Name the Org: SF Anti-Displacement Coalition

Basis for Recommendation: This is a companion measure to the other housing proposition.
-authorizes up to 10,000 units of municipally-owned social housing
-flexible timeline and subject to funding limits, beginning as a pilot funded by Prop I
-allows for both construction of new housing and acquisition of existing units

Any Concerns with Taking Position: N/A

Links for Additional Information: https://www.socialhousingsf.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIutDP8aLO6wIVFyCtBh1-ogqeEAAYASAAEgKnr_D_BwE