Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Celebrates Allen v. Milligan Decision

June 8, 2023 News

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Asian Americans Advancing Justice Celebrates Allen v. Milligan Decision

Ruling Affirms Our Right to Fair and Equitable Representation

Washington, D.C. — Asian Americans Advancing Justice, an affiliation of five Asian American civil rights organizations, applauds community advocates, Alabama voters, and civil rights organizations who argued successfully before the U.S. Supreme Court to show that Alabama's congressional map violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). The Supreme Court ruled today in a 5-4 decision that the current map violates the VRA by limiting the voting strength of Black voters in a state where they make up 27% of the population.

Advancing Justice issues the following statement:

“Today’s Supreme Court ruling in Allen v. Milligan is a testament to the unwavering resolve of Alabama voters, Black community groups, and civil rights organizations to uphold the fundamental right to our voting power and to reject the efforts by some politicians to pick their voters.

“The court’s decision and affirmation of Section 2 precedent sends a clear message to state lawmakers seeking to discriminate against Black, Asian, Latine, Indigenous, and allied communities of color that even with the absence of the VRA’s Section 5 preclearance, gutted ten years ago by the Shelby County v. Holder decision, they are on notice to ensure that voters of color will not be manipulated, diminished, or denied the power of their vote.

“As politicians who want to rule over us, not represent us, seek to pass more voter suppression laws, communities across our country are mobilizing to protect their voting power and to expose efforts to discriminate in our elections and redistricting.

“We stand together in solidarity with Black communities, who led this important challenge to defend our fundamental rights, and join with them and allied communities of color in resisting and countering any efforts aimed at undermining our voting power. Whether we call Alabama or Virginia, Illinois or California home, we all deserve the freedom to elect the representatives who will fight for the solutions we need for a better life.”