Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Advancing Justice-CA Applauds Enactment of Legislation to Ensure Safe Schools for Undocumented Immigrant Students

October 16, 2017 News

Advancing Justice-CA Applauds Enactment of Legislation to Ensure Safe Schools for Undocumented Immigrant Students

Governor signs AB 699 bill to uphold students’ right to a public education regardless of immigration status

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – CA (Advancing Justice-CA), applauds Governor Brown for signing Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell’s AB 699. Cosponsored by the College for All Coalition, of which Advancing Justice-CA is a member, the legislation upholds the fundamental constitutional right of a public education for all California students regardless of immigration status.

AB 699 will provide support to immigrant students and their families by directing the Attorney General to publish model policies limiting assistance with immigration enforcement at K-12 public schools and requires local educational agencies to adopt these policies. Additionally, this bill will limit schools from collecting information regarding the immigration or citizenship status of students or their family members; provide know-your-rights information to parents about their children’s right to an education; require schools to work with parents to update emergency contact information and comply with parental instructions in order to keep kids out of foster care; and educate students about the negative impacts of bullying based on perceived immigration status or religious beliefs.

With the issuance of xenophobic and draconian Executive Orders by President Donald Trump which target undocumented immigrants, there is a heightened level of fear among students and their families of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids and other forms of federal immigration enforcement — including encounters at school sites. In Los Angeles just a few months ago, a father was detained by ICE after dropping his daughter off at school. Moreover, in a mere three days after the November 2016 election, the Southern Poverty Law Center identified over 200 incidents of harassment and intimidation across the country, with K-12 schools cited as the most common location where these incidents occurred. The level of fear has been further exacerbated by the federal administration’s announcement of the rescission of DACA.

“As a member of the College for All Coalition, Advancing Justice-CA and our partners applaud the Governor signing AB 699. This legislation will ensure that all K-12 schools in California are safe for students to pursue an education regardless of immigration status,” said Advancing Justice-CA Policy Manager Andrew Medina.

“ICE has absolutely no place in schools. AB 699 will offer important protections and resources for undocumented immigrant students and their families, especially at this time when immigrants are under attack,” stated Advancing Justice-Asian Law Caucus Policy Director Angela Chan.

“California continues to lead the resistance to fight back against the xenophobic, racist, and hateful policies of the Trump administration. With the Governor’s signing of AB 699, California sends a message that we will uphold every student’s constitutional right to a public education and invest in our immigrant youth and their futures,” said Advancing Justice-LA Policy Director Betty Hung.
