Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

ALC Mourns Justin Javier

December 14, 2022 News

ALC Mourns Justin Javier

The Asian Law Caucus staff and board mourn the loss of Justin Javier, who died on November 17. He was 34 years old.

Since 2020, Justin served as an executive assistant at ALC, leading many of our hiring and orientation processes. In this role, he was often the first person ALC staff met at our organization, setting a high bar for care and collaboration that we’ll keep striving to uphold. Justin approached challenges with good humor, optimism, and a deep commitment to helping ALC achieve our most ambitious goals, and in ways that encouraged us to learn from one another.

Prior to joining ALC, Justin worked to eradicate bullying in schools and earned his Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Travel Management at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Justin loved to explore San Francisco, and enthusiastically shared his recommendations for good food and new experiences with all of us. Even during days when Justin was juggling hiring across multiple teams, he took time to invite conversations about our personal lives and interests, and share what was bringing him joy that day or week. In these moments especially, he exemplified what it means to be a colleague who celebrates and honors the full humanity of your co-workers.

We wore floral patterns in honor of Justin last Friday, as requested by his family, and are grateful for that chance to remember him together. We offer our sincere condolences to Justin’s loved ones, family, and friends. Justin is deeply missed.

Justin is standing in front green trees. He is smiling softly and wearing a white shirt under a gray blazer.