Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

As Americans Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month this June: "For Trump, Every Day is Anti-Immigrant Day"

June 5, 2018 News


Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Dawn Le, 202-549-6798

As Americans Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month this June: “For Trump, Every Day is Anti-Immigrant Day”

San Francisco, CA — From Day 1, the Trump administration has moved full-steam ahead in carrying out his anti-immigrant, anti-refugee agenda, taking his political party with him as they cede the moral ground to deport Dreamers and immigrant workers, prevent family reunification for refugees, separate children away from their parents, and push to cut legal immigration by 50 percent in this country. Experts, economists, and business leaders from across the political spectrum have called the administration’s actions the worst economic ideas to hurt America. Trump wants to reduce legal immigration by upending family-based immigration and the diversity visa program that has unified families in this country for nearly 50 years.

The Value Our Families coalition released the following statement commemorating the 5th annual Immigrant Heritage Month:

“Immigrants have never been more crucial to the future of America. Everyday, Americans celebrate the contributions by immigrants in this country, and recognize the vital role of immigrants and their families in shaping our great country, in spite of Trump’s lies and attacks on immigrants.

“The President’s “criminal” catcalling and use of derogatory terms such as “chain migration” is his way of lying to Americans, coding it with racist scare tactics to vilify and scapegoat immigrants instead of creating a just and humane immigration system that upholds family unity. Make no mistake, every time Donald Trump attacks family immigration, he is attacking all of our families.

“For Immigrant Heritage Month, the vast majority of Americans are unified in standing up to Donald Trump and are committed to fight back against an administration that is forcibly breaking up families.”


Value Our Families is the national coalition working to reunite and keep families together, defend family immigration, and protect family unity. The campaign co-conveners are Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Church World Service, and the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC).