Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Asian American Civil Rights Organizations Stand in Solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives

June 4, 2020 News

Asian American Civil Rights Organizations Stand in Solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (June 4, 2020) — Advancing Justice – AAJC, Advancing Justice – ALC, Advancing Justice – Chicago, and Advancing Justice – Los Angeles stand in solidarity with Black communities across the country demanding justice for Black lives on the National Day of Mourning for the family of George Floyd and the many other Black American families who have suffered the loss of a loved one due to a culture of systemic violence. While protests come in response to the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Nina Pop, Tony McDade, and many more, we recognize that these mobilizations seek to confront the white supremacy and state-sanctioned violence that have targeted the Black community since our country’s inception.

As Asian Americans, we stand together with the movement for Black lives to fight for transformative change to a system that incarcerates, dehumanizes, and oppresses Black Americans. We will continue to speak out for justice, taking the lead from local and national Black-led organizations and standing in solidarity with the movements. We also commit to addressing anti-Blackness in our own Asian American communities, many of whom are here in this country due to the civil rights struggles spearheaded by Black Americans.

We denounce the use of force by local, state, and federal law enforcement against protestors and communities. Black communities have disproportionately faced the impact of police militarization and violence, which also affect immigrants and communities of color. We commit to continuing to fight back against the virulent racism of this Administration and political leaders at every level. We are a partner and ally in the struggle to create a country based on economic and racial justice.
