Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Asian Law Caucus’ New Chapter

July 15, 2024 News

For over 50 years, the Asian Law Caucus served as a laboratory for community lawyering. Every day, we leverage the law to advance racial and economic justice in partnership with the communities most acutely impacted by the absence of justice.

This approach shapes our major cases, from repairing the harms of the Muslim Ban to extending language access to millions. It guides our daily legal services to reunite families, keep more people in their homes, and empower working people.

In 1972, we were a small group of volunteers with a dream to bring free legal services to our neighbors. Today, we are a staff of 60 playing a leading role in local, state, and national campaigns. With partners across the country, we are building the power of Asian, Pacific Islander, and other immigrant communities.

We have greater capacity and bigger dreams, and we’re ready to take our civil rights litigation and advocacy to the next level, in California and other states where our communities are rapidly growing.

To do that, we have made the decision to step out of the Asian Americans Advancing Justice affiliation. The Asian Law Caucus is a fully independent organization and returning to our original name.

Within a dynamic ecosystem of legal and community organizations, we have evaluated where best to devote our resources. Powerful movements grow as resilient and nimble organizations evolve and employ diverse strategies. We now have the resources, tools, and staffing to do more, and our staff and board seek to maximize that potential for growth.

ALC's New Chapter

With this organizational strength, we can seize the opportunity to build power locally in California and apply our legal and advocacy skills to serve more people throughout the country.

Increasingly, community groups, worker centers, grassroots organizations, and advocates throughout California and in states like Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas are reaching out to us for technical and legal collaboration. They are seeking community lawyers and advocates who have experience partnering with working people and immigrants to build power towards creating a more equitable, just world.

We want to rise to the moment. To do that, we need the ability to move more nimbly in response to threats and opportunities. For us, stepping out of the affiliation provides the necessary space and platform to test new strategies and bring more capacity to our collective work.

With Advancing Justice affiliates, we will continue to partner on key cases and shared policy goals. Our work together is rooted in partnerships forged decades ago and continues on, from litigating Georgia’s anti-voter law to advocating for policy change in Sacramento.

In short, we are challenging ourselves to do more, for our clients and the communities we serve.

Illustration of three raised fists - the middle one is light blue and the other two have bracelets

Read a special reflection from ALC Executive Director Aarti Kohli on the power and opportunity of community lawyering.

Where to Find Us

We’re on social media on Instagram, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Our email addresses have been updated to @asianlawcaucus.org too (the old ones will forward).

We have a new logo, inspired by decades of community advocacy and struggles for justice. Read more from our communications team on how we developed our new branding, from the signs outside the I-Hotel to marches for racial solidarity.

We have profound gratitude for our community and are thrilled to embark together on this new chapter of the Asian Law Caucus.

Asian Law Caucus staff gather under a tree at our June 2024 retreat in Oakland.