Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

CAIR, Asian Americans Advancing Justice and NILC Issue Statement Expressing Disappointment with SCOTUS Muslim Ban Stay

September 12, 2017 News

SAN FRANCISCO, C.A. – Today, the Supreme Court announced that it would grant a stay of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decision to allow refugees with formal ties to resettlement agencies to come to the country. In opposition of the stay, Zahra Billoo, CAIR Representative, Elica Vafaie, a staff attorney at Advancing Justice-Asian Law Caucus, and Justin Cox, Staff Attorney to the National Immigration Law Center, released the following statement:

“We are disappointed in the Supreme Court’s decision to stay the latest ruling against the Trump Administration’s ban on most refugees, including the 24,000 people who have been working with American refugee resettlement agencies and whose lives hang in the balance. It is our hope that this is a mere procedural step.”