Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

We Condemn Anti-Black and Gun Violence and Call for Country Where We Can Live in Peace and Safety

May 16, 2022 News

We Condemn Anti-Black and Gun Violence and Call for Country Where Every Person, No Matter the Color of their Skin, Can Live in Peace and Safety

SAN FRANCISCO – Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus issued the following statement today:

“Nearly every day this past week, communities across the US have been painfully reminded that we are not safe to go to the grocery store, practice our faith, go to work, or enjoy time with our friends and families. We are not safe as long as white supremacy exists.

“We are devastated by the horrific violence in Buffalo, Laguna Woods, Dallas, and Milwaukee, and grieve with the survivors and the families and loved ones of those killed and harmed.

“In Buffalo, a white supremacist deliberately targeted predominantly Black community members in a Black neighborhood and espoused the racist fear-mongering that certain politicians use to make us fear one another so that we don’t fight together for the real solutions that will keep us safe and healthy. Black people in the U.S. are also more likely than any other racial group to endure hate violence.

“In Laguna Woods, the gunman attacked a Taiwanese American congregation. In Dallas, recent shootings have happened at Korean American and Asian American salons. As Asian Americans have endured a rise in hate violence, we know that we are not alone.

“The safety of Asian, Black, Latinx, Muslim, LGBTQ, and other marginalized communities is one and the same. We demand a country where every person, no matter the color of their skin or what faith they practice, can live in peace. Together, we will continue to demand that our elected representatives and government end systems of white supremacy and fund our collective well-being and the solutions that keep our communities whole.”