Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Groups Vow to Continue to Fight Discriminatory Muslim Ban, Will Rally on October 18th

September 25, 2017 News

Media Contact: Charlie DiPasquale | 240-481-6632 |[email protected]

Groups Vow to Continue to Fight Discriminatory Muslim Ban, Will Rally on October 18th

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Following yesterday’s announcement by the Trump administration of its newest Muslim Ban, the U.S. Supreme Court has canceled the October 10 oral arguments and asked the parties in the case for additional briefing to be filed byOctober 5. Meanwhile, of the eight countries covered by the President’s new executive order, six are majority Muslim. Community and civil rights groups maintain that President Trump’s latest order is also unlawful because, like the previous two orders, it is designed to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

The #NoMuslimBanEver campaign announced that it will rally in Washington, D.C. on October 18th, the date the newest Muslim Ban goes into effect. Further details will be released at a later date and posted at www.NoMuslimBanEver.com.

In response to these developments, Elica Vafaie from Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Zahra Billoo, from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Linda Sarsour from MPower Change, also released the following statements:

Linda Sarsour, co-Founder MPower Change:

“Impacted and allied communities from around the country will continue to fight this discriminatory policy and the #NoMuslimBanEver campaign will continue. We will continue to resist this immoral and unconstitutional Muslim Ban and any new bans in all forms, in all venues, and in all ways—no matter how long it may take to achieve justice.”

Elica Vafaie, Staff Attorney at Asian Americans Advancing Justice:

“Despite the President’s attempt to obscure this latest Muslim Ban’s discriminatory intent, the newest policy remains discriminatory, unlawful, and unconstitutional at its core and deeply impacts our communities. We will resist all forms of a Muslim Ban in and out of the court.”

Zahra Billoo, CAIR Representative:

“We cannot forget the families hurt most by this hateful and discriminatory Muslim Ban, and we will continue to fight every day for their civil rights. This latest delay is just one step in a long legal process. We will not be deterred in continuing to challenge the President’s multi-pronged assault of hate directed toward communities of color.”