Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Home, Not Heartbreak: A Photography Series

September 6, 2023 News

Californians who are immigrants and refugees are beloved members of our families, neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, places of worship and faith, sports teams, and so much more. Yet when immigrant Californians are treated differently under unjust and exclusionary policies, these vibrant communities suffer.

In recent years, calls to end mass incarceration and meaningfully address racial injustice have resulted in California legislators passing broadly-supported criminal justice reforms. These laws enable people to return to their communities after they have earned their release from prison or jail. Immigrant Californians, however, are not included in these measures because of where they were born. Instead, they are subject to an unequal system of justice and the state prison system pushes them into ICE detention and deportation. This double punishment devastates families across our state.

In the face of these injustices, immigrant communities are at the forefront of a statewide movement to reunite families and help more people build safe and thriving lives. In partnership with Survival Media Agency and the ICE out of CA coalition, we’ve had the chance to spend time with Californians who have been directly impacted by the state’s prison-to-ICE pipeline. They are among the lucky few to leave ICE detention through tireless community and legal advocacy. These Californians are rebuilding their lives in beautiful ways, made possible because they are home.

Their stories and photos that capture the safety and community strength made possible when people can come home. Follow #HomeNotHeartbreak on Twitter and Instagram for updates.