Donald Trump's return to the presidency represents a direct threat to our communities and everything we've fought to build. We know exactly what this means - we lived through his first term, we saw the Muslim Ban, we witnessed the attacks on our immigrant communities. The fears and anxieties you're feeling aren't just valid - they're a call to action.
Here in California, we've built strong protections for immigrant communities, and we will not let them be dismantled. We will not back down. We know all too well the dangers of authoritarianism, and we are committed to defending our democratic institutions and values.
These are challenging times, and it's important that we first acknowledge the complex emotions many of us are experiencing - the fear, the stress, the uncertainty. But in our communities, we're also witnessing profound expressions of love, solidarity, and determination. Through the Asian American Leaders Table, multiracial immigration networks, civil rights groups, and economic justice coalitions, we're finding strength in each other.
This year, even as we assessed the lessons of the first Trump administration and prepared for what 2025 might bring, we recognized that our communities need space to process, to gather, and to draw strength from one another. We've been here before - our ancestors weathered wave after wave of discrimination, exclusion, and attacks, yet emerged stronger with each struggle. When our communities faced deportation threats, we fought back in the courts and won. When the Muslim Ban threatened to separate families, we brought litigation alongside our partners and secured a class action victory. In the face of anti-democratic, anti-immigrant attacks on voters, we spanned out across hundreds of counties to protect and defend our rights. Now, as new challenges emerge, we're preparing once again to defend our communities through every legal avenue available.
Looking ahead, we see the potential for building an even stronger coalition across California and the nation - one that will bring together community members, civic leaders, legislators, city and county officials, and business and faith leaders. While this work is still ahead of us, we know that many share our commitment to protecting our communities. Our message will be clear and unified: our state's resources must serve our values of inclusion and justice.
We have clear paths forward, rooted in the lessons of the past 8 years and our collective solidarity and networks:
- Enhanced know-your-rights resources providing reliable, actionable information
- A fearless legal network dedicated to defending API and immigrant communities
- Expanded community education and empowerment programs
- Strengthened partnerships with organizations in other states to share resources, strategies, and support
- Strategic litigation prepared to protect our communities' rights and dignity
Our strength lies in the breadth of our community. From the Asian American Leaders Table to our broad networks of immigration advocates and civil rights organizations, we're building power through unity. While California serves as our home base, our commitment extends far beyond our state borders. Through our extensive network of partners, we're actively supporting vulnerable communities in states where protections may be weaker and resources scarcer.
As we confront this pivotal moment, we take heart in the resilience forged by generations who have weathered similar trials. Though the path ahead may seem daunting, we face it with the same resolve and tenacity that have carried our communities through adversity time and again. Whether you need support, want to offer support, or simply need to be in community with others who understand - we are here, standing together.