Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

Trump Misleads America Attacking Family Immigration Laws

May 24, 2018 News

Trump Misleads America Attacking Family Immigration Laws

Donald Trump Again Shows He Has No Respect For America’s Families, and Misleads America with Nativist, Fearmongering Attacks

San Francisco, CA — On his morning soapbox interview with “Fox & Friends,” President Trump attacked family-based immigration laws that have unified families in this country for nearly 50 years, lying about the harms of family immigration while ignoring how his family has benefited from the family reunification program.

Below are remarks by the Value Our Families coalition:

“Donald Trump is a product of family reunification immigration laws in this country, and instead of opening the same opportunities that have allowed his family and in-laws to stay together and prosper in this country, he’s misleading Americans by vilifying and scapegoating immigrants.

“The President using terms such as “chain migration” is his way of lying to Americans, coding it with racist scare tactics to disenfranchise immigrant families in this country. Make no mistake, every time Donald Trump attacks family immigration, he is attacking all of our families.”


Dawn Le, 202-549-6798


Value Our Families is the national coalition working to reunite and keep families together, defend family immigration, and protect family unity. The campaign co-conveners are Asian Americans Advancing Justice, Church World Service, and the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC).