Update: We are postponing our 52nd Anniversary Gala to Spring 2025 in solidarity with SF hotel workers!

We work on the ground within the communities we serve to fight for collective justice.

Community-Led Movements

Our work starts at home

From the beginning, we knew the power of combining legal advocacy with community empowerment to deliver change.

When we set up practice in a small storefront in Oakland, our staff consisted of one attorney and a handful of dedicated community activists and law clerks. As our movements for justice grew, our team also grew.

Today, our community advocates work directly with families and residents in the Bay Area and across the state. We distribute know-your-rights materials in dozens of languages, forge relationships with partner organizations to build shared power, and engage in coalitions that sustain social movement infrastructure and strength. Across our issue areas, we also build and center the leadership of directly impacted community members. Through our Yuri Kochiyama fellowship, for example, formerly incarcerated community members work with organizations, lawmakers and communities to advance and implement legislation at the intersection of criminal justice and immigrant enforcement systems.

When the needs of immigrants, refugees, their families, and communities are put first, our movements win. Through our work with community, we have helped workers win back stolen wages, led successful campaigns to reduce mass incarceration and free refugees from state prison, increased access to translated materials for immigrant voters, and helped reunite families who were separated because of the Muslim Ban and other policies targeting Muslim communities.

Illustration of three raised fists - the middle one is light blue and the other two have bracelets

Help Us Build Power

No one can achieve justice alone. That’s why we need you to join us. From ensuring that every worker knows their rights to fighting unlawful detention, we can win a better future together. Find resources.

News & Recent Cases

Learn more about our work in community movement building and advocacy.

Guides & Reports

Report: Poll Observer Findings from California’s March 2024 Elections

September 17, 2024

During the March 2024 primary election, the Asian Law Caucus and California Common Cause led the largest nonpartisan election observer program in California.

San Francisco Workers, Supervisors & Worker Centers Propose Relief for Workers Denied Their Rightful Wages

September 17, 2024

San Francisco workers, Supervisors, and local community groups announced the Worker Justice Fund to provide relief to workers who have been denied their rightful wages.

California Communities Are Making the Promise of Democracy Real

September 13, 2024

Read the stories of poll monitors who play a crucial role in safeguarding California voters’ ability to cast their ballot and protect their hard-won rights to language and disability support.